MapRun course

Newton Farm, Hereford

This course takes in the lesser visited parts of Hereford – estates of different generations south of the river, with a large area of newly created parkland towards the south west, and along the old railway line. There is very little off-road running – road shoes are suitable all year round.

NOTE: There are numerous VERY BUSY roads with limited controlled crossings. Traffic is often slow moving but constant so it is possible to cross anywhere without difficulty, but with patience. You need to plan for waits of up to 1 minute for each crossing of the Belmont and Ross Roads. The Belmont Road lights immediately outside Tesco are generally very responsive to button presses so we recommend this, and the cycle path overbridge, as the easiest routes across Belmont Road. For safety, you should cross the Ross Road at a controlled junction – these are provided for Bullingham Lane, Holme Lacy Road, and Belmont Island (ASDA). It is very difficult to cross Ross Road between Belmont island and Holme Lacy Rd junctions – please factor this into route planning.