League 2 – Lightmoor – Weather Update

League 2 – Lightmoor – Weather Update

You will all be aware that the forecast for the weekend is pretty horrible, and a number of events have already been cancelled.

We are planning to make a decision on whether we go ahead or not tomorrow around midday, and this will solely be based on the Forestry Commission’s position; they can withdraw our permission to stage the event at any time, for a variety of reasons, including risk to the public from adverse weather conditions. They currently expect to make a decision for this weekend at about midday tomorrow, and our understanding is that if the current forecast prevails they will indeed bar us from holding the event.

Our position is that if FC do not withdraw permission, we will go ahead whatever the conditions. However, we are making contingency plans to re-schedule to Sunday 23 February. We have the landowner’s permission to use the parking and assembly site a week later, and FC have said that there is no clash with other events scheduled for that date, but we will have to wait for their formal agreement before we can confirm a revised date.

We will publish an update on here mid-late tomorrow afternoon, so come back here tomorrow evening to find out what the plan is. In the meantime, we have closed entries on Fabian. If we do go ahead, you will be able to enter on the day at the pre-entry rate.