The Closing Date for Chalford is rapidly Approaching

The Closing Date for Chalford is rapidly Approaching

Just a reminder that entries for the Western Night League and Sunday Score events at Chalford over the Halloween weekend close at midnight this Wednesday, 21st October. This early close is due to our map printing logistics for that particular weekend, so make sure that you get your entries in on Fabian 4 whilst you can. These will be our first SI based events since the CompassSport Cup Heat in mid March, so don’t miss this opportunity to get out for a run and some serious lung exercise. You can find details of the events by following these links..

31/10/20 – Halloween Night Event (WNL) – Chalford

01/11/20 – Chalford Score Event

By the way, same applies to this week’s Lydney maprun….entries close Wednesday evening as well – Fabian 4 again….