Bixslade – Saturday – Late News

Bixslade – Saturday – Late News

Thanks largely to wild boar and the recent wet weather, we think parking is going to be a bit of a challenge on Saturday. The parking track is long and straight, but a bit rough and overgrown on the verges. It will be tricky to park cars on the side and still leave room for cars to pass, but we will be doing extensive ‘gardening’ on Friday to make it easier to see the state of the verge.

We ask you:

  • to share transport wherever possible;
  • to arrive in good time to get to the start by the scheduled start window closing time;
  • and not to leave the event before midday on Saturday;

If you are late arriving you will have a walk of nearly 1km to assembly and start (adjacent to one another), so allow plenty of time.

There are currently no scheduled closures planned for the M48 Severn Bridge this weekend, and the wind forecast is not bad enough to threaten ad hoc closures, but it’s always worth checking nearer the time.