Barnwood MapRun Results

Barnwood MapRun Results

Results from last night’s Barnwood MapRun are now published on the Results page. Due to a typo when publishing the event results appeared as for a Scatter, rather than Score, course. This has been corrected, and the event re-published and correctly specified as a Score event! So if you ran last night, the results on your phone will reflect your scatter result, and you need to check here to see how you actually did in Score terms. Note that this involved exporting all GPX tracks, recreating the event, and then recreating your results from the GPX track. So check that this has worked correctly!

Standings will appear later today.

To avoid this simple error in future, we will from the next MapRun – Stonehouse – specify a minimum App version level for each event, and that will be MapRun v7. So if you are still running MapRun6 on your phone, you will need to download and install MapRun – also known as MapRun v7.