2022 MapRun Christmas Challenge

2022 MapRun Christmas Challenge

We are pleased to announce a third MapRun Christmas Challenge, but this one somewhat more constrained that the last! As usual there will be fattening prizes, though none substantial enough to replace all the Kg you should have lost during the Challenge.

So, the rules:

  1. The Challenge will run from Thursday 22 December for 16 days to the end of 6th January 2023.
  2. You must run 9 complete MapRuns to qualify for a prize.
  3. Only events in our area – the MapRun Gloucestershire area – will count; we don’t want people destroying the planet by travelling far and wide in search of MapRuns (or at least that’s our excuse for not having to track and log all those extra-terrestrial jaunts).
  4. We will keep a moderating eye on performances; you’ll be expected to keep going for the best part of an hour, at significantly better than a dawdle!
  5. You can run any course found on the MapRun Gloucestershire page of the NGOC website. As many of you will know, once you have downloaded a course to your phone, it stays there until you delete it. That means that you can re-run any of those courses any time. Be aware, however, that some pre-2020 events may have been deleted from the system, and others may have expired participation dates(a feature added in mid 2021). The events on MapRun Gloucestershire should all have future expiry dates, so to be on the safe side stick to those….there are 60+ events there to choose from.
  6. The judges’ decisions are final with regard to qualifying events, though bribery, in the form of offering to plan a MapRun, has been known to have a corrupting effect on them.
  7. A league table will be maintained by roughly daily interrogation of the main MapRun leader board. It’ll be down to you to let us know of any possibly qualifying runs which don’t appear on the leader board within a day or so being uploaded.
  8. Any problems or queries, email maprun@ngoc.org.uk

Have fun, and enjoy Christmas. The 2023 MapRun league will hopefully kick off not too long into the new Year, and we hope will see you there then.